Monday 30 July 2012

Resons You Should Switch to Ubuntu

So, here are reasons why you, too, should make the switch :)

1>>It's Absotutely Free and Open Source.

Everything about Ubuntu is free. Just download the ISO, burn it
to a CD and enjoy.
Most of the apps you use (all I use even) are also free.
Because of this Ubuntu can handle all your updates,
installations and uninstallations with a breeze.

Simply open the "Update Manager" and it'll let you know which
of your apps (yes, all your installed apps) have updates or new
versions. Using the "Application Center" you can browse
categorized applications and install them with a click.

There's plenty of top-lists over the best Ubuntu-apps just a
Google away. I think you might be surprised how much is

2>>It's Configurable Like Crazy.

Whether you prefer the Windows-look, the Mac-look or the
Minority Report-look (:) Ubuntu will not disappoint.

Almost everything is configurable and if it's not you can just
download more configuration tools or desktop enhancements.

If you haven't checked out Compiz on YouTube yet I suggest
you do. It's pretty amazing stuff.

3>>The Terminal.

Well, this actually doesn't apply to Mac users but the Terminal
is absolutely brilliant.

If you just learn a couple of commands you can do anything
from search/replace every file in a folder to checking out SVN
repos or installing applications.

Once you get comfy in terminal you'll be finishing tasks 10
times faster than you can with your mouse.

4>>It's Fast, Stable and Secure.

Regardless if you're on a 2 year old laptop or the latest in
stationary monsters Ubuntu runs smoothly and adapts itself to
best suit your hardware.

As everybody knows viruses are basically unseen in the Unix
world so you won't have to worry about that.

Ubuntu doesn't crash, it doesn't present you with weird blue
screens or forever spinning rainbows. Ubuntu is built by geeks
that know this stuff :D

It's easier than ever to give Ubuntu a try, simply download it and put it on a USB then fire up your comp with the USB connected and you can try it out without even installing anything.

No more excuses, switch to a superior OS today :)


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